Named the Pink City of India for its trademark color, Jaipur is the capital city of the Indian state of Rajasthan. Built by the architect Vidhyadhar Bhattacharya on the command of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, Jaipur holds the distinction of being the first planned city in India. Nicknamed the Island of Glory by Sir C.V. Raman, Jaipur is a wonderland of culture and heritage, brimming with architectural gems. Jaipur is overflowing with architectural forts and palaces like the Hawa Mahal , a residence for the ladies of the royal household, or the Jal mahal, a palace built entirely on water in the middle of the Man Sagar lake!! There is also the famous Jantar-Mantar, a must visit place for astronomy experts and enthusiasts. Apart from this, there is also the famous markets of Jaipur like the Chandpore Bazaar, the hub of unique handcrafts that attract the tourists. Things to do:- Catch a enchanting sunrise from the Nahargarh fort Visit the Albert Hall Museum Explore the Jal Mahal Witn...